Thursday, February 2, 2012

An Independent Appraisal Of Monavie

By Markus Ristau

Monavie is an interesting company, it experienced unprecedented growth in its early days and has some of the most impressive earning figures ever published in the Network Marketing Industry.

Many a Monavie review exist already, most of them provided by distributors who want you to sign up through their link. I'm not involved with Monavie in any way shape or form, so I'll be talking from a neutral perspective.

The acai berry is the staple ingredient of their liquid products, the health benefits and products have not been officially acclaimed but, the word is that it's a very effective super juice that you and your customers will love.

There are large numbers of active network marketers that have actually ditched their existing companies in order to join Monavie. I have no doubt that the products are very good because of the amount of folks who experience rapid progress within this company.

What is even more astonishing is the number of people who are making Hugh incomes. According to their published distributor earnings there are 27 people at Black Diamond rank and 7 at Royal Black Diamond Executive, all earning in excess of $1.4 million a year. These are some astounding figures, usually there are maybe 3-6 top earners in any network marketing organisation. However most distributors fail to earn more than $35 per week in Monavie, a common occurrence in network marketing...most don't ever earn any significant income.

I will be showing you at the end of this article how you can become a top earner in the mlm industry.

One of the striking things about Monavie is how quickly they have grown since their inception at the beginning of 2005. This is mostly due to the fact that Brig Hart who was a top Amway distributor moved to Monavie at its inception and moved most of his team with him. His team is Hugh, we are talking thousands of people. Within their first year Monavie grew to be one of the most sizeable mlm companies in existance. Obviously there has been hard feelings between Amway and Monavie because of this. But at the end of the day, if there is a better company, with a better compensation plan and products then distributors are free to leave as they wish. I've got nothing against Amway myself, but I probably would have done the same as Brig.

Monavie pay out 50% volume out into the network, this is one of the highest in the business. I know I've said it before, but please, if you are new to the binary MLM model then do your research thoroughly. It's important to make sure that you have both your organisation legs balanced to get the full benefit of payouts.

If you are marketing correctly then you can make a lot on money with Monavie.

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